University of Northern Colorado Management Campus Box 128 Greeley, CO 80639
PhD, New Mexico State University.
MBA, Alfred University.
MBA, University of Nairobi
Professional/Academic Experience
Licensures and Certifications Business
Ethics: Education and Organizational Best Practices, UNM: Anderson School of Management.
(April 21, 2014 - Present).
Professional Memberships
Eastern Academy of Management.
Southern Management Association.
Southwest Academy of Management.
Strategic Management Society. (2013 - Present).
Academy of Management. (2006 - Present).
Research/Areas of Interest
Research in Progress
"Effects of Cultural Orientation on Perceptions of CSR" (Writing Results). This paper
explores perceptions of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) among individuals from
different cultural groups. Studies have shown that CSR is a universal ethical and
moral imperative. Similarly, studies have demonstrated that CSR has sustainable economic
benefits to individuals, corporations, and societies. While there is a clear business
case for CSR, few studies have looked at how individuals perceive CSR at different
levels. In order for corporate entities to effectively execute CSR initiatives, actors
within and outside the organization need to understand why such initiatives are being
deployed and how CSR aligns with their varied interests. Stakeholders are in better
position to buy in, invest and take ownership of CSR policies if they understand and
have positive perceptions about such policies. The study also examines whether cultural
orientation affects the perception of CSR. While CSR is a global issue, different
cultural characteristics are bound to have an effect on how CSR is perceived and enacted
in organizations.
"Explicating the Sharing Economy through TCE Lens" (On-Going).
Funded Wanasika, I., "Provost Award for Travel," University of Northern Colorado,
$0.00. (2014).
Publications/Creative Works
Journal Article
Wanasika, I. (2016). The Conundrum of Online Prescription Drug Promotion. International
Journal of Health Policy and Management.
Wanasika, I., Harraf, A. (2015). Management research in Sub-Saharan Africa: A review
and future directions. Journal of Advanced Research in Management, 6(2), 26.
Harraf, A., Wanasika, I. (2015). Organizational Agility. Journal of Applied Business
Research, 31(No. 2).
Wanasika, I., Howell, J., Adler, T. The effects of absorptive and Adaptive Capacity
on Performance: A GLOBE Study Approach. International Journal of Global Management
Wanasika, I., Limbu, Y. (2015). Effects of Anti-takeover Defenses on Value in the
Pharmaceutical Industry. American Journal of Management, 15(1), 15.
Wanasika, I., Limbu, Y. (in press). Effects of Anti-takeover Defenses on Value in
the Pharmaceutical Industry. American Journal of Business, 15(1), 15.
Limbu, Y., Mukherjee, A., Wanasika, I. (in press). A Review of Research on Direct-toConsumer
Advertising of Prescription Drugs: Directions for Future Research. International Journal
of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing.
Wanasika, I. Strategizing for BOP markets. American Journal of Management, 13(3),
Book Review
Wanasika, I. (in press). What is Corporate Social Responsibility? Brent D. Beal, The
University of Texas at Tyler. SAGE.